Capt. Kathleen R. Dagher, Executive Officer
Captain Dagher is a native of California. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Economics from Bentley College in 2000, a Master of Science in Health Services Administration in 2006 from George Washington, a Masters of Military Studies from Marine Corps Command and
Staff in 2016 and a Masters in Military Operational Studies from the School of Advanced Warfighting (SAW) in 2017.
Prior to graduate school and joining the Navy she worked in international investment banking. CAPT Dagher was commissioned in the Navy in 2006 through the Health Services Collegiate Program. Within her first few months in the military she deployed to Iraq with 2nd MLG. While deployed from 2006 to 2008 she served as the Operations Officer of Al Taqqadum and the XO of Fallujah and Ramadi Surgical. While in Iraq she spearheaded the women’s and children’s cooperative engagements, opening five clinics and a nursing school and refurbishing Fallujah Hospital Labor and Delivery Ward.
Ashore she was awarded the OPNAV Fellowship program. She then served as the Naval Health Services Support Requirements Officer for the Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration Command, managing a $524m dollar budget and developing the first initial capabilities document for Naval Health Service Support. CAPT Dagher transitioned to be Officer in Charge of Naval Medical Administrative Unit Monterey, CA, serving NPS, DLI and central to Northern CA.
CAPT Dagher was the first Staff Corps Officer to be selected for the School of Advanced Warfighting and the first female Navy Officer to attend. In her next assignment she was the lead for the CNO’s Naval Expeditionary Health Service Support Requirements Evaluation Team, recommending solution sets in support of restructuring strategy and organization to meet the requirements of Distributed Maritime Operations, leading to Navy Medicine’s resource sponsor shop, integration into a SYSCOM and the first purpose built medical ships.
Her next assignment was as the Deputy Surgeon for Pacific Fleet. During her time at Pacific Fleet she spearheaded the first Navy Medicine UONS. Establishing the response to the global pandemic but also laying the foundation for the Fleet response to DMO. She also acted as the chief of plans for medical delineating deliberated medical requirements for the Naval Force in the INDOPACOM OPLAN.
She then served as the Assistant Deputy Chief for Operational Requirements and Capabilities as well as the Surgeon General’s lead for the Naval Medical Enterprise reorganization to operational medicine. In this role she restructured the Force Design of Navy Medicine including organizational structure, budgeting, programming, development and establishment of units, training, recruitment, retention and overall execution of medical capabilities for the Fleet and Fleet Marine Corps. She then went on to author the one-year execution strategy and five-year plan for Navy Medicine as well as the Navy Medicine Enterprise Charter.
In her current role as Executive Officer at Naval Health Clinic Cherry point, she ensures efficient and effective delivery of care to the operational force and beneficiaries served at the clinic.
Her decorations include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Joint Achievement Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and other personal, service, unit and campaign awards.