New Prescriptions
If desired, hard copy prescription scripts may be brought to the Pharmacy to be filled. Likewise, your provider may send your prescription via eScript. In either situation, please take a number upon arriving at the pharmacy, and we will help you as quickly as possible.
Important: In order to pick up a prescription for your spouse, dependent or acquaintance. you will need to bring in a printed copy or picture of their I.D. card, front and back
Q - Anywhere aboard Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point (click HERE)
Q-Anywhere is an electronic queue system to fill electronic NEW and RENEWAL prescriptions sent to the pharmacy within the last 14 days.
Electronic Prescriptions - ePrescribing
Using your pharmacy benefit wisely means using the most cost-effective method for getting your medication. With ePrescribing, you can continue to get your medication safely and quickly, but it's even easier for you and your doctor. ePrescribing reduces prescribing errors and is a win-win situation for everyone — you, your doctor and the Department of Defense. When you choose ePrescribing, you'll get the most cost-effective medication. The secure ePrescribing network sends your prescription safely and quickly to the pharmacy of your choice.
Transferring Prescriptions
Please bring the medication bottles of any prescriptions you want transferred to our Clinic Pharmacy with you. Upon arriving, please take a number and we ill assist you.
"In Town - Off Base" Network & Non-Network Pharmacies
At non-network pharmacies, you will pay full price for your medication and have to file a claim for reimbursement. Reimbursements are subject to deductible or out-of-network cost-shares and TRICARE-required co-payments. All deductibles must be met before any reimbursement can be made, so this is another reason to use Home Delivery or MTF pharmacies.
Be sure to discuss your prescription options with your doctor to determine if a lower-cost medication can work for you.
Type of Pharmacy
Formulary Drugs Non-Formulary Drugs
Retail Network
(up to a 30-day supply)Generic: $10
Brand Name:
(unless you establish medical necessity)
(up to a 30-day supply)Prime Beneficiaries
50% cost share after point of service
deductible has been met.
All Others:
$24 or 20% of the total cost, whichever is
greater, after the annual deductible is met.
Prime Beneficiaries
50% cost share after point of service
deductible has been met.
All Others:
$50 or 20% of the total cost, whichever is
greater, after the annual deductible is met.