Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point will resume normal patient-care operations Friday, February 21.

Health Services


Surgical Excellence in a Caring Environment

NHCCP's Surgery Clinic provides the MCAS Cherry Point military, their families and retirees, with surgical excellence. We are an Ambulatory Procedure Unit (APU), and our staff works tirelessly to insure your needs are met, your concerns are addressed, and your procedures are performed with the highest quality medical care that can be given.

We encourage you to communicate any concerns or questions to your Care Providers. We will address them promptly and professionally. We believe it is important for the patient to help plan their own care! After your surgery we will likewise ensure your Support Person is fully updated on your condition, with complete instructions for after-care. We will answer any of their questions prior to your departure home.

Friends and family members are welcome to wait in our APU waiting room during surgery or procedures. Please bring quiet activities for the children while in the waiting room. An adult must accompany a child at all times. Children are not to be left unattended. Cellular phone use is allowed. Other clinics areas however may be designated non-cellular phone use because of potential interference with sensitive medical equipment.

Planning Ahead and Your Support Team

Prior to coming to the clinic for your procedure it is imperative that you have a close friend or family member to be your Support Person. For at least the first 24 hours when you return home you will need help with transportation, meals, housework, shopping, dressing and personal hygiene.
Do not underestimate the after effects of surgery.

If you develop an illness the week prior to your scheduled procedures, or if you develop a rash, injury or sunburn over the surgical site are, please contact the clinic immediately. Do NOT get any new piercings or tattoos prior to your scheduled procedure.

Stop taking blood thinning medications one week prior to your scheduled procedure. This includes Motrin, Aleve, Iburprofen, Excederin, Naprosyn, etc.

Day Of Surgery/Procedure

Your doctor may give you special medicine instructions. If not, take your morning pills as instructed by the pre-op nurse with  just a sip of water. You may brush your teeth the day of surgery, but do not swallow any water, toothpaste or mouthwash.  Remove all jewelry  (to include wedding bands.) Please shower, wash and dry your hair before coming. Do not apply any makeup, hair spray, perfume or cologne, or wear deodorant if you are having breast or shoulder surgery.

BE PROMPT! Please arrive at the appointed time before your surgery as it is possible your procedure time may be moved due to unforeseen cancellations or emergencies. If it is necessary to move your procedure, we will notify you as soon as possible.

If you are delayed for any reason on the day of surgery, call the front desk at (252) 466-0161.

While You Are Here

While you are here, you will be asked questions such as your name, date of birth, allergies, and what surgery you are having. You will be asked these questions numerous times. Do not be alarmed. Each member of your care team must make sure they know the answers to each of these questions so we can provide you the best care.

A corpsman will insert an intravenous tube (IV) into your vein(normally the hand. You will be given fluids and medicines as needed.

An anesthesia provider or moderate sedation nurse will talk to you before your surgery or procedure. This provider may give you medicine to make you sleepy before your procedure or surgery. Tell your nurse or doctor if you or anyone in your family has had a problem with anesthesia in the past.

Nurses wiII ask you about open skin areas on your body, especially in the area of your surgical site. Please tell your nurse about any open sores, rashes, or current skin conditions you may have on the day of your surgery. You may require a mark at the site of the surgery with initials. This is required for procedures involving left or right distinction.

Lastly, We want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Both drugs and non-drug treatment can be helpful in preventing and controlling pain. Everyone's pain is different. so please let us know about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing

Contact Us

Surgical Services

(252) 466-0144

APU Front Desk

(252) 466-0161


We are on the Third Floor.


7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Closed Saturday, Sunday & Holidays


  • You have the right to have your report of pain taken seriously and to be treated with dignity and respect by doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
  • You have the right to have your pain assessed and reassessed regularly and your treatment adjusted if your pain has not eased.
  • You have the right to actively participate in decisions about how to manage your pain.

Bring the Day of Surgery

  • Your Military I.D. Card
  • Pacemaker/auto-defibrillator implant information card (if applicable)
  • Any paperwork given to you by the doctor or clinic staff
  • Complete list of medications/supplements/OTC: name/strength/how often taken
  • Cases to hold glasses, contacts, hearing aids, dentures or retainers
  • Clothes that will fit comfortably over the surgical area and closed toed shoes. 
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.